Rotary Club of Bandung Bebagi Kasih Bersama Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha 18 Desember 2022 Pukul 10.00 - 12.00 WIB Jl. Jeruk No. 7 Cihapit BANDUNG
Club Pres. Ikhwanul Halim
People often confuse truth and facts. A fact is a reality that cannot be logically disputed or rejected. Facts are objective; truth is partly subjective, though a truth that conflicts with facts isn’t sustainable. For centuries we believed the earth was flat. Facts proved otherwise, and that truth was debunked. Truths are molded by perspective and experience. They can also change because perspectives and experiences change.
There are several synonyms for Fair – just; equitable; impartial; unbiased; straightforward; objective. Fair means showing no evidence of favoritism, self-interest, or indulging our own likes and dislikes, which can be difficult to achieve. Fairness and equality aren’t the same thing. While equality of opportunity is a cornerstone of fairness, it rarely exists.
When most people think of goodwill, they think of a kindly feeling of approval and support. A businessperson also defines goodwill as the value a business attains through its brands and its good reputation. Goodwill is measured as the market value of a company over and above the value of its tangible assets. In 2016, Microsoft acquired LinkedIn, which had a balance sheet value of $4 billion. Microsoft’s purchase price was $25 billion, the difference all classified as goodwill. Today there is more than $2.5 TRILLION in goodwill listed on corporate balance sheets. Goodwill is an intangible asset.
Some people equate investing with gambling. Both present the possibility of gain or loss, but the similarity ends there. Gambling is a zero-sum game. If five friends play poker and each starts with $100, at the end of the game there will still be only $500 between them. The money got redistributed, but it did not increase. Every win came with a corresponding loss. If these five friends invested that same $500, they could possibly all gain and no one else would lose. While gambling is always a win-lose proposition, investing, when done right, is a win-win proposition. Investing, when done right, is beneficial to all concerned.
Rotary Club of Bandung Bebagi Kasih Bersama Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha 18 Desember 2022 Pukul 10.00 - 12.00 WIB Jl. Jeruk No. 7 Cihapit BANDUNG
Menggalang Solidaritas untuk Bantu Cianjur Bangkit dari Gempa. Sumbangan: Rekening 010.80000.8756 Bank OCBC NISP A.n. Rotary Cinta Bandung
Hari ini (23 Okt 2022) di End Polio Day 2022 kami Rotary Club Area Bandung bersama melakukan Fun Walk di Kiara Artha Park diikuti oleh Rotarian, Rotaract, Interact, kader Posyandu dan PKK binaan, dengan membagikan balon, hand sanitizer, flyer tentang kegiatan2 rotary dan pendaftaran rotary exchange student. Tak lupa juga Rotary Club Bandung dan Rotary Club Bandung Kota Kembang mengadakan penyerahan donasi buku bekas layak baca kepada Pak Rahmat salah satu volunteer taman Baca. Mari kita berantas POLIO! Bersama kita BISA!
Pada hari Jumat, tanggal 1 September 2023, bertempat di Gedung Katarak Center Kab. Sumedang, RC Bandung bersama RS Mata Cicendo, Bandung, mengada
Fellow Rotarians RC Bandung yang saya hormati, Puji syukur kita panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, atas limpahan karunia-Nya, sehingga kita dapat
Selamat pagi para Rotarian Rotary Club Bandung yang saya cintai, Saya merasa terhormat untuk hadir di hadapan Anda pagi ini sebagai presiden b